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Conservation Commission Agenda 7/16/09
Becket Conservation Commission
Thursday July 16, 2009
6:30 PM Becket Town Hall

  • Approval of minutes of June 18, 2009 meeting
  • Continued Notice of Intent SOLO (Sherwood Forest Lakes and Ponds) Map 216  DEP #102-353  Chemical treatments using herbicides, hand-harvesting, cutting
  • Continued Notice of Intent  Jeff Rosen  341 Seneca Drive  Map 219 lot 219 DEP # 102-355  Installation of dock
4.      Request for Determination of Applicability  PVPC  Intersection of Routes 20 and         
        8  Planting of trees, shrubs and flowers; removing existing turf; repairing existing
        grass surface

  • Abbreviated Notice of Intent  William Osborn  57 Lancelot Lane  Map 217 lot 81
DEP # 102- ___  addition of a bedroom on the main level of house in the buffer zone to Lancelot Pond

  • Request for Determination of Applicability  Robert Galla  136 Alan-a-Dale  Map  
216 lot 493  Leveling of lawn area by adding loam in buffer zone to Little Robin

  • Request for Determination of Applicability  Warren Harrison  217 Jacob’s Hollow Road  Map 407 lot 23.11  Installation of an 8” culvert in an intermittent stream for a driveway
7.      Request for Determination of Applicability  Susan and Steven Hovani  3 Bow
        North  Map 213 lot 51  Removal of 7 dead or damaged trees

8.      Request for Determination of Applicability   Little Tree Environmental
        Consulting  Cheryl Hohl Sykes  3211 Main Street  Map 207 lot 65  Septic   
        system repair located within 200’ of a perennial stream

9.      Request for Determination of Applicability  Roy Arnold (Patricia and Katrina
       Mergen-Adams)  102 Long Bow Lane East  Map 213 lot 68.2  Pump and crush
        existing septic system and install new tank and leach field

10.     Request for Extension of Order of Conditions  Center Pond Preservation and
        Protection Foundation  Center Pond  DEP #102-253  Chemical treatment of
        Center Pond for Eurasian milfoil and curly-leaf pondweed

11.     Administrative Business
        a.  Joe Maggi  
        b.  Terwedow update
        c.  Other